California Department of Consumer Affairs’ Implements New BreEze Licensing and Enforcement System to Increase Consumer Access
The California Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) has a new online licensing and enforcement system, BreEZe. This new system gives both license recipients and license applicants the ability to interact the DCA more quickly and effectively, on-line.
The DCA expects this new BreEZe system to improve the quality of its data and responses to consumers’ needs It replaces the agency’s old technology. It gives the DCA its own web site which consumers can use for self-service to meet their needs.
BreEZe allows DCA to offer the following services on-line to its users, consumers across California:
1) Complaint Filing
2) Search for a Public License
3) Apply for and/or Renew a License
4) Subscribe to License Status Changes and/or Maintain a License
Note: these listed BreEZe services will be phased in, as DCA’s many boards, bureaus and committees adopt DCA’s new BreEZe system.
Listed below are those DCA boards, bureaus and committees that already operate the DCA’s new BreEZe system: (this list will continue to grow as use of BreEZe continues to be adopted by the DCA’s various boards, committees, and bureaus):
- Board of Barbering and Cosmetology
- Board of Behavioral Sciences
- Board of Occupational Therapy
- Board of Optometry
- Board of Podiatric Medicine
- Board of Psychology
- Board of Registered Nursing
- Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians
- Dental Board
- Dental Hygiene Committee
- Medical Board of California
- Naturopathic Medicine Committee
- Osteopathic Medical Board of California
- Physician Assistant Board
- Physical Therapy Board
- Respiratory Care Board
- Bureau of Security and Investigative Services
- Veterinary Medical Board
- Veterinary Technician Examining Committee
Getting Dca Assistance
For assistance, consumers can call DCA’s a toll-free phone number, (800) 952-5210 or hire a lawyer or law firm to contact DCA for you, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:50 p.m. (except the first and third Wednesday of each month when it is open at 8:30 a.m.) Automated services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The agency provides information and answers in more than 100 different languages.
If consumers or their attorneys have any questions about BreEZe, they can ask their question(s) by email.
DCA’s consumer service representatives can answer consumer and licensee questions in 140 different languages. DCA assists consumers and/or their lawyers in many different ways, depending upon each consumer’s need(s). Some examples of how DCA representative help consumers and/or their attorneys include:
1) filing a complaint(s),
2) mailing helpful publications to them, and/or
3) refer callers (consumers or their lawyer(s)) to a different agency or service provider if they believe that a particular question needs a different government agency or private entity that is more appropriate to meet that caller’s/attorney’s particular needs (as a result the different agency or entity will provide the consumer or attorney caller with assistance to meet that caller’s (consumer’s or attorney’s) needs.
Hearing-impaired consumers may call TDD (800) 326-2297.
Sacramento-area consumers may call (916) 445-1254 or TDD 916-928-1227.
The DCA’s hotline receives nearly one million calls each year.
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