Get answers to some of the frequently asked questions with regards to Elmiron®.

You’ve come to the right place and we are here to help! Our team of lawyers and paralegals has handled many of the major medical recall cases since the 1990s
Frequently Asked Questions:
Who makes Elmiron? Elmiron is made by Janssen Pharmaceuticals Inc, which is owned by Johnson & Johnson. Elmiron is a brand name for the chemical pentosan polysulfate sodium.
What’s Elmiron used for? Approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1996, Elmiron is the only FDA-approved oral medication used to treat bladder pain and discomfort associated with interstitial cystitis (IC). IC is also known as “painful bladder syndrome,” which is a chronic bladder condition with no known cure.
What’s the Problem with Elmiron? It is now believed that Elmiron causes serious vision problems. In fact, in June 2020, Elmiron maker Janssen Pharmaceuticals updated the drug’s product labeling to warn of vision problems.
The label now states Elmiron can change pigments in the retina, causing blurred vision, reading problems, and sensitivity to low light. It also recommends that all who use Elmiron should have their eyesight regularly tested.
While this warning may be helpful information for future Elmiron users, it comes too late for those already suffering from eye damage.
Further, the label states that a patient’s eyesight can continue to worsen even if they stop using Elmiron. These changes may not be reversible.
Why is the manufacturer responsible? It is alleged that the manufacturer did not disclose the link between Elmiron use and serious vision damage. Elmiron may be linked to the following diseases:
• Macular degeneration
• Pigmentary maculopathy
• Retinal maculopathy
Other Elmiron side effects may include:
• Blurred vision
• Difficulty reading
• Distorted vision
• Eye pain
• Issues adjusting to darkness
• Vision disturbances
• Vision loss
Is this a Class Action? No. A class action is where one or two people represent everyone and make the decisions for you. In the hernia mesh case, each case is individual and you, with your attorney, make the decisions about the important events in your case.
How much will this cost? There is no fee unless and until we win for you. We will never ask you to send us money. Ever.
Do you sue my doctor? No. We do not sue or make any claims against your doctors. We believe that the doctors are the victims of the greedy pharmaceutical corporations as well. In fact, we expect your doctor to be as outraged as we are that the companies told doctors the mesh was safe.
Will I have to go to trial? Probably not. With thousands of similar cases, it is very unlikely that you will go to trial. 99% of cases like this resolve in a settlement program.
Can I just wait to bring a claim? Unfortunately it's very dangerous to wait because the law places strict time limits on your ability to make a claim.
How long will my case take? While these cases can take a few years, there are already many cases being pursued. We believe that there will be significant pressure on the manufacturer to establish a settlement program.
Will everyone get the same amount in a settlement? No. When a settlement happens the value will be based upon the degree of injury. You will decide whether to settle your claim or not (with the advice of your attorney).
These are some of the most common questions, but we are here to help answer any other questions you have. Give us a call at (855) 464-0808.
We look forward to helping you and will always strive to earn the trust you place in our team
Call Now To Speak With An Elmiron Lawyer For A Free Consultation:
Legal Disclaimer: The information in this article is not intended to be used as medical information or diagnosis. The sources of the information presented in the article have been researched and are linked within the article. Please seek out medical advice from a licensed medical professional if you are experiencing a problem with any of the drugs or devices mentioned in this article.
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About The Law Firm is a group of award winning attorneys, paralegals and associates from the legal profession who’s main goal is to educate and represent their clients with the utmost expertise, respect and trust.
We also work closely with a large group of experts from the medical profession so we can draw upon their expertise, in order to present as much accurate information relating to various mass tort and personal injury lawsuits as we can.