Metal Hip Lawsuit
Injured by a Stryker, Depuy or Encore Metal Hip Implant?
Our Metal Hip Legal Experts Can Help.

Metal Hip Lawsuit
Do you qualify?
Diagnosed with Metallosis after Hip Replacement Surgery?
How You Qualify:
- Diagnosed with Metallosis after Hip Surgery
- Implanted with a Metal on Metal Hip Replacement Device: Either Stryker, Depuy or Encore Hips
- Replacement Surgery was performed after 2009
- Surgery was performed no later than 2014
- You've Had a Revision Surgery (2nd surgery)
You Don't Qualify if:
- Your hip implant surgery was before 2009
- You haven't had a revision surgery (2nd surgery)
- You haven't tested positive for Metallosis
We Are Not Accepting Cases For The Following Hips:
- Smith & Nephew Hip Replacements
- Birmingham Hip Replacements
- Biomet Hip Replacements
Call Now To Speak With Attorney for a Free Consultation: 1-888-612-8313
Metal Hip Replacement
Partner Jeremy Fietz gives talks about metal on metal hips, side effects, recalls and problems.
Stryker V40 Femoral Head Hip
Even if you’ve had hip replacement surgery, you may not be aware of the make or model of the device that your surgeons implanted. And why would you? You don’t know the make or model of the fillings in your teeth. You probably don’t know the make and model of your eyeglasses, and you use those every day.
Nearly all hip replacement devices pose some kind of health risk.
Stryker V40 Femoral Head Problems and Health Risks
Even though it’s only a part of a device, the Stryker V40 Femoral Head poses health hazards of its own.
Like so many other artificial hip devices, the V40 is made of a metal alloy that contains two potentially toxic metals: chromium and cobalt.
When the V40 Femoral Head rotates in the “cup” of the Stryker Accolade (or other Stryker hip devices), that metal alloy can become shredded and corroded. When that happens, microscopic pieces of poisonous metals can travel through the bloodstream.
If enough of those toxic metals build up in your system, they can cause a wide range of serious health problems, which include but are not limited to:
• bone and tissue damage
• swelling, infection and inflammation
• necrosis (tissue death)
• osteolysis
• pseudotumors
As well, the Stryker V40 Femoral Head has been linked to a toxic condition called metallosis, which can have severe neurological and behavior effects, such as
• dizziness
• headaches
• gastrointestinal problems
• nervous system disorders
• emotional disturbance
It’s no surprise that Australia’s federal health authority has issued a formal warning about the Stryker V40 Femoral Head. Unfortunately, the U.S. government has been slower to take action about these potentially dangerous devices.
We if you have been harmed by the Stryker V40 Femoral Head, we can help you.
stryker abg ii metal hip
Stryker ABG II is just another dangerous metal-on-metal hip replacement device. It’s no less risky than any of the dozens of other hip replacement devices that have caused so many medical problems for so many people.
Stryker ABG II Metal Hip Problems
The metals that can flake off of the Stryker ABG II are cobalt and chromium, which are safe only in the tiniest, tiniest quantities. The particles that the ABG II can release into the bloodstream may be small, but they contain far more of these potentially toxic metals than is considered safe.
That’s why some people who have received the Stryker ABG II have suffered from a condition called metallosis, a potentially serious health problem. Others have developed lumps under their skin. These lumps are the body’s way of isolating the toxic metals that have been released into the blood.
Toxic metals in the blood can cause
• blindness
• hyperthyroidism
• cardiomyopathy
• deafness
• cognitive impairment
Stryker ABG I and II Side Effects
• metallosis
• blindness
• hyperthyroidism
• cardiomyopathy
• deafness
• cognitive impairment
stryker accolade metal hip
In designing the Accolade hip replacement device, the decision-makers at Stryker developed and employed a proprietary titanium alloy that was supposed to reduce the likelihood of fine metal particulates being released into the blood.
It didn’t work.
Like so many other hip replacement devices, the Stryker Accolade can release tiny fragments of metal into the bloodstream. The release of potentially toxic metals into the blood has been associated with a number of significant health risks, including:
Stryker Accolade Side Effects
• bone damage
• metal poisoning
• infection
• Metallosis
• necrosis (tissue death)
Furthermore, these and other conditions that have been associated with metal-on-metal hip implants can cause all manner of life-altering complications, including but not limited to:
• additional surgeries (“revision surgeries”)
• medical expenses
• loss of income
• pain, suffering, and mental anguish
• diminished quality of life
Contact Metal Hip Attorney if you've suffered serious injuries due to a Stryker Accolade metal hip implant.
Encore Hip
The key defect with the Encore Hip Replacement is that it employs metal-on-metal construction. Most of the health problems that are linked to this device stem from the fact that metal-on-metal construction creates friction, which releases tiny, toxic particles of metal into the bloodstream.
Chromium and cobalt are absolutely not on the FDA’s list of recommended nutrients. These are toxic compounds that were used in the manufacture of the Encore Hip Replacement.
When this hip implant was first approved in 2013, Encore used the so-called 501(k) FDA approval process. This process permits new devices – so long as they are substantially similar to existing devices – to enter the marketplace without requiring current and complete safety studies.
Effectively, the Encore was rammed through the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval process.
But the Encore device was, in fact, not substantially similar to existing devices. The Encore Hip Replacement makes fuller use of metal-on-metal construction than did previous models. This is a fundamental difference, and it is the major factor in causing the serious medical problems to which the Encore has been linked.
Encore Hip Side Effects
The FDA appears to regret its error, as it has issued a safety warning about the harmful effects of metal particles in the bloodstream. In addition to the health problems listed above, the fragments of toxic metals that the Encore can release into the blood have been associated with:
• heart problems
• thyroid dysfunction
• kidney damage
• depression
Such warnings are necessary, but the damage had already been done.
The California Advantage is based in California. So is DJO Orthopedics, the parent company that manufactures this dangerous, defective hip replacement.
That geographical coincidence gives an advantage in trying cases about the Encore Hip Replacement. We can bring claims against Encore in the California court system. Lawyers who are not licensed in California may not have the knowledge to handle a California lawsuit – they might not even have the license required to do so.
Call Now To Speak With Attorney for a Free Consultation: 1-888-612-8313
Legal Disclaimer: The information in this article is not intended to be used as medical information or diagnosis. The sources of the information presented in the article have been researched and are linked within the article. Please seek out medical advice from a licensed medical professional if you are experiencing a problem with any of the drugs or devices mentioned in this article.
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About (TLF) is a group of award winning attorneys, paralegals and associates from the legal profession who’s main goal is to educate and represent their clients with the utmost expertise, respect and trust.
We also work closely with a large group of experts from the medical profession so we can draw upon their expertise, in order to present as much accurate information relating to various mass tort and personal injury lawsuits as we can.