Resource Videos
Attorneys Jeremy Fietz and Ben Adams provide updated legal information on a variety of personal injury, mass tort and wrongful death lawsuits.

Drug Recall, Lawsuit and legal Information Videos
Valsartan Cancer Causing Agent, NDMA
Valsartan and Link to Cancer
Taxotere Legal Information
Taxotere FAQ'S
Taxotere Hair Loss Claims FAQ's
Intro To Taxotere and Permanent Hair Loss
Talcum Powder & Ovarian Cancer Link
Talcum Powder & Ovarian Cancer - Mark's Story
Viibryd Lawsuit Claims FAQ's
Viibryd & Pancreatitis FAQ'S
Zofran Lawsuit Commercial
Legal Information on Various Drugs
Medical Device Legal Information Videos
Medical Devices & FDA Approval
Hernia Mesh Implant FAQ'S
TransVaginal Mesh Implant
Depuy Pinnacle Lawsuit Update
Metal Hip Lawsuits
Jeremy Fietz on Medical Devices
Motor Vehicle Accident & Injury Videos
Canadian Drivers Injured In America
American Drivers Injured In Canada
Cross Border Law
Car Accident Commercial #1
Car Accident Commercial #2
Car Accident Commercial #3
Wrongful Death & Elder Abuse Legal Information Videos
Wrongul Death
Nursing Home Abuse Difference
KSRO Radio show - Lawyers, Guns and Money
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Taxotere
Guest Chiropractor
Debate Libertarians
Closing Private Prisons
Effectiveness Of Brain Games
Alaskan Trip
Legal Disclaimer: The information in these videos is not intended to be used as medical information or diagnosis. The sources of the information presented in the videos has been researched by our attorneys and is based on their experience, research and the opinions of various medical professionals we speak to while doing our research. Please seek out medical advice from a licensed medical professional if you are experiencing a problem with any of the drugs or devices mentioned in the videos relating to drugs or medical devices on this page.