Elmiron® has been linked to serious side effects such as eye/vision damage.

Elmiron® linked to serious eye damage
The use of the drug Elmiron® has been linked to serious eye damage. If you have ever taken prescription Elmiron® (aka. pentosan polysulfate sodium, or PPS), you are at risk of developing a unique form of progressive eye disease. This eye damage can be (mis)diagnosed by ophthalmologists as retinal pigmentary maculopathy, pattern dystrophy, or age-related macular degeneration.

Some of the common symptoms for patients experiencing this Elmiron® associated eye damage are:
• Blurred vision (often in the patient's central field of vision)
• Difficulty reading
• Dark spots in center of vision
• Straight lines that appear curved
• Muted, less vivid colors and
• Difficulty adapting to dim lighting
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This disease is so similar in appearance to ‘ordinary’ macular degeneration that many Elmiron® patients may not even know they have this macular disorder, and instead just assume their vision is degrading. However, if you have taken Elmiron and have problems in both eyes, you may have the unique retinal injury caused by Elmiron®. In fact, a significant percentage of Elmiron® users in several studies showed Elmiron® associated retinal maculopathy and pigmentary damage. These patients had significant damage to their retina and they reported significant eye and vision problems as a result.
What is most alarming about Elmiron eye damage is that eye damage in patients can develop even after the patient has stopped taking Elmiron®. Often when a prescription drug is found to be causing a side effect, discontinuing use can reverse, or at least stop, the progression of that side effect. But in the case of Elmiron® that may not be true. It is highly recommended that if you ever took Elmiron®, you should see an ophthalmologist and have your eyes examined on a regular and on-going basis.
If you are experiencing any of the aforementioned side effects after using Elmiron, contact TheLawFirm.com today for a Free Consultation. You may be entitled to financial compensation.
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It is important to make sure that your ophthalmologist is aware of the current developments surrounding Elmiron. Seeing an ophthalmologist regularly will allow you to establish a baseline of the health of your retinas. This will allow you to monitor any progression of eye disease that may occur later on. This will be important for your eye health as well as to establish evidence in a lawsuit, should you choose to file one. Such a lawsuit will likely allege that Janssen Pharmaceuticals® (the maker of Elmiron®) failed to properly warn patients of known eye related injury risks.
TheLawFirm.com is currently accepting cases nationally from all 50 states.
Call us for a free consultation and we will help you determine if you are eligible to pursue financial compensation. It is important to act quickly because each State has a statute of limitations and the time window for pursuing a case is getting shorter each day. Our law firm works strictly on a contingency basis. This means that clients we represent only pay out of their recovery if they win their case.

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Legal Disclaimer: The information in this article is not intended to be used as medical information or diagnosis. The sources of the information presented in the article have been researched and are linked within the article. Please seek out medical advice from a licensed medical professional if you are experiencing a problem with any of the drugs or devices mentioned in this article.
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