Warning Signs of Abuse and Neglect at Nursing Homes
Look for signs of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect.

What are the warning signs of elder abuse and neglect at a nursing home?

What are the signs of neglect or abuse at a nursing home?
The signs of abuse and neglect are largely what one might expect: Are residents wearing dingy or dirty clothes? Is their skin dirty? Are residents developing a high number of bed sores? Do they look malnourished? Do residents have unexplained bruises? Are bed guardrails kept in an elevated position? (This can be a health issue for elderly residents.)
What is elder abuse?
According to the law, “elder abuse” can take one or more of several forms, including but not limited to:
- physical abuse of elders
- neglect of elders
- financial abuse or exploitation of elders
- abandonment or isolation of elders
- abduction of elders
- any treatment that results in physical and/or psychological harm to elders
“Neglect” itself is a complex term that encompasses, according to the law, several components, including but not limited to:
- failure to assist in personal hygiene
- failure to provide food, clothing, and/or shelter
- failure to provide necessary care for physical health
- failure to provide necessary care for mental health
- failure to protect from health and safety hazards
- failure to prevent malnutrition and/or dehydration
What do you do if you notice signs of neglect or abuse at a nursing home?
According to the Health in Aging Foundation, if one identifies signs of neglect and/or abuse in any resident at a nursing home (not just his or her loved one), he or she should:
- Report the concern to a member of the nursing staff
- If this does not resolve the matter to the individual’s satisfaction, report the matter to an ombudsman, who is responsible for handling possible violations
- If the matter still is not resolved to satisfaction, contact the state or local department of health
National Institutes of Health (NIH) U.S. National Library of Medicine
“Nursing Homes”
National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA)
Research: Statistics/Data
United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
“Long-Term Care Providers and Services Users in the United States: Data from the National Study of Long-Term Care Providers, 2013-2014”
The Health In Aging Foundation
“Aging & Health A to Z: Nursing Homes”
Health In Aging Foundation
“Ensuring Quality Nursing Home Care: Before you choose a nursing home”
Health In Aging Foundation
“Ensuring Quality Nursing Home Care: Before you choose a nursing home”
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