Quebec Insurance chart
British Columbia
Newfoundland and Labrador
North West Territories
Nova Scotia
Yukon Territories
Auto insurance in Quebec is provided by both a government insurer and private insurers. The government insures against injuries to people, and private insurers cover you for property damage.
In the case of bodily injury, Quebec has a pure no fault system, which means there is no right to sue the at-fault driver for pain and suffering or additional medical and economic expenses.
For property damage, there are more than 100 private insurers selling auto insurance in Quebec.
Compulsory minimum third-party liability:
$50,000; liability limits relate to property damage claims within Quebec and to personal injury and property damage claims outside Quebec
Medical payments:
No time or amount limit; includes rehabilitation
Funeral expense benefits:
Disability income benefits:
Up to $231,956
Death benefits:
Death any time after injury; benefits for partners depend on wage and age of deceased and range from $57,798 to $435,000; benefits for dependent children depend on their age and range from $27,021 to $49,777; disabled dependants receive an additional $25,286; non-dependent children or parents receive $12,871
Impairment benefits:
Minimum $721/week, maximum $144,490 for non-catastrophic injury. Maximum $228,154 for catastrophic injury
Right to sue for pain and suffering?
Right to sue for economic loss in excess of no-fault benefits?
No. Lawsuits are not permitted with respect to injuries sustained in automobile accidents in Quebec. Victims and their dependants (if residents of Quebec) are compensated by their government insurer for their injuries whether or not the accident occurs in Quebec. Accident victims who do not reside in Quebec are entitled to compensation only to the extent that they are not responsible for the accident, unless otherwise agreed between the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec and authorities of the victims’ place of residence; additional compensation may be available from their own insurers.
Private insurers